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How Hypnosis Works

Science continues to update our understanding of what is happening inside the brain during a hypnotic experience. My work with real people struggling with real issues continually informs me on the creative art of the process — the aspects that can’t be quantified or explained.

About Hypnosis?


Hypnosis from the outside in…
Science loves to observe & measure in order to inform. Through science, we’ve learned that hypnotic states correspond with particular brain wave patterns, and that we all move organically between these states throughout the day. 
Science also maps activity in the brain during and after hypnotic experiences — revealing a mind changed by the experience. The lightest forms of hypnosis occur whenever we are in the zone, lost in thought, during prayer, meditation and relaxation — and in the moments that exist before and after a good night’s sleep.

Hypnosis from the inside out…
Hypnosis is experienced as an organic, naturally occurring state of focused concentration which allows external influences to fade away. An extremely common form of light self hypnosis would be a daydream or the experience of movie viewing — when you allow your mind to drift into another time/place even as you remain fully aware of your actual surroundings. 

This deepened state of focus is one of receptivity, inspiration, creativity and clarity. We can improve all kinds of outcomes in this way  — creatively, athletically, academically, personally or professionally.


How Hypnosis Helps?


Science has shown hypnosis to be an incredibly open, creative, receptive state of mind. It is theorized that we have greater access to our entire mind during this state rather than just our conscious awareness. With access to the vast resources of our subconscious mind, we activate a powerful secret weapon. Imagine how it will feel when you are wholly aligned in motion towards a healthier, happier life?

Short Answer: We activate a Secret Weapon

Conscious mind: Our waking mind — the CEO. 
Aware while conscious. Responsible for: 
  • Cognitive thought
  • Executive function, analytical thought
  • Interpretation of physical, emotional, mental stimuli
  • Problem solving
  • Focus & imagination
  • Decision making
  • Estimated capacity to juggle 7 to 9 items at any given time.


Subconscious mind: “Secret Weapon” 
Perennially aware part of our mind — the manager, librarian, life support. Responsible for:
  • Life Support
  • Management of all physiological systems/processes
  • scanning for danger
  • Receiving, prioritizing all external stimuli (sensory, otherwise)
  • Archiving all memory/experience
  • Automating patterns of thought, feeling, behavior
  • Creating efficiencies in learning — neural pathways


Super Conscious Mind: Gate of Connection 
Perennially aware part of us that is connected to whatever we believe to be larger than ourselves.
  • Part of us that is attuned to nature, spiritual center ‘God’, ‘divine’, ‘higher power’, larger purpose, etc.

Hypnosis brings a unified mind into alignment with the heart, the nervous system, the spirit and the body so that the whole person can move toward a healthier, happier life.


The Science Behind Hypnosis

There is a duality to the hypnotic state that makes it endlessly fascinating. 

Outside in —  Science can externally verify the nature of the hypnotic state and assess outcomes. Modern neuroscience offers insight into brain mapping and brain wave activity during hypnosis; and provides evidence to support its efficacy. Psychology reveals that we are in a more open learning state during hypnosis, more receptive to self-suggestion, creativity and insight — in part, because we’ve opened up clearer lines of communication between our conscious and subconscious mind during this time.

Inside out — The hypnotic state is largely experienced internally in a way that is unique in some ways, universal in others. Unique because each person experiences the world differently & presents with a different concern — universal in that our minds behave in similar ways. So, each time we strategically engage the assistance of our subconscious mind, we leverage a powerful resource responsible for establishing new neural pathways, new patterns of thought, feeling and behavior and a fresh approach to self-healing. 

As practitioners, we stand on the platform of sound science to partner with each client in the artful creation of a protocol that will yield the most beneficial outcome possible.

Still Curious?

Keep reading or contact Dee.